One Less Guitar, One More Accordion

If you think we work hard to promote the accordion, you should check out our Canadian cousins at Accordion Noir. They produce a weekly radio show devoted entirely to accordion music from around the world. They’ve also just created a great new bumper sticker to raise accordion awareness — one whose message may sound familiar to some bicyclists:

One Less Guitar

The stickers are narrow so they fit a bike’s tubes, but look equally fab on an accordion case, guitar case, hurdy-gurdy case… you name it. They’re currently available around Vancouver or you can email the guys to order one. The cost is just $1 and goes to support their awesome radio show, which is broadcast on CFRO Co-Op Radio (102.7 FM) in Vancouver. (You can also listen online and download episodes directly from their site.)


  1. Accordion noir put me onto Box Club!

  2. We’re just trying to turn back the clock to 1961 (the last year accordions out-sold all other instruments in North America).

    Thanks Chris!

    ps. Clayton, Box Club does rule! And Bellowhead (English and not just accordions, but with the same first-letter) is coming to the Vancouver Folk Festival this month!

    We love to promote our friends. Maybe Box Club will come visit us?

    Bruce of Accordion Noir.

  3. Actually, there’s two Bellowheads (?!)

    The UK one that’s coming to Vancouver is at:

  4. What a coincidence, my car is from 1961. Awesome.