Accordion Keyboard Service

Accordion Keyboard Service Shops


11484 CR 675
Webster, Florida


“Repairing accordions for over 30 years”

Servicing S.E.M, Excelsior, Titano, Zupon, Petosa, Hohner, Pan, Beltuna, Philharmonic, and many other accordions.

Providing warranty service for Ketron, Roland, Yamaha, Orla, Yorkville and all S.E.M products.

Electronic repairs on Music Tech, Limex, Ciao, Orlavox, Master Sound , Solton, Iorio, Casio, Korg, Leslie, Hamond, Fender, Marshall, Conn, Wurlitzer, Fender, Mackie, QSC, Sure, Duovox any many other brands of equipment.

Music Tech, Limex and custom midi installations.


(727) 586-6967

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